Affordable Ways To Hygge All Year Round

As we discussed in the last post, hygge is very easy to implement into your every day life including your entire year. Holidays are perfect for hygge as their traditions make us feel safe, cozy and nostalgic. Some you might have done since you were a kid, some you might have just done last year, but want to do it again. But, it’s not just the holidays. Every season has its own traditions and its own perfect hygge moments. Here is a list of affordable hygge ideas that you can fit into twelve months. I split them up by month, but this is just a guideline, you can do any of these at any time.

January: Movie Night

Who doesn’t like getting all cuddled up with fuzzy blankets and homemade popcorn to marathon the whole Lord of the Rings extended editions? Theming the movies you watch is also a fun way to do it. You can marathon a series of movies, watch all movies by Mel Brooks or everyone pick their favorite animated childhood movie.

February: Stuff Swap

Spring cleaning is a thing. Instead of just donating to charity, get a group of friends together, everyone bring clothes and stuff they don’t want anymore and all go through everything. One man’s trash is another’s treasure, as they say.

March: Gardening

You might not have a backyard to have a full-on garden, but building an herb (or flower or veggie) box inside works as well. It is exciting and gratifying to watch the little green sprouts grow and thinking of the meal you are going to make with your harvest.


April: Hiking

As the weather grows warmer, but before it gets too hot is the perfect time to spend time outside and even get some exercise. There are many hikes for all levels, you just need to go out and find them. Spending time with nature relaxes your mind and great to share with a few good people.

May: Weekend Cabin

A little getaway doesn’t have to be big or expensive. What’s important is that you get away. Maybe even make it a no-phone weekend and really spend some quality time with yourself or your favorite people.

Solstice Bonfire

June: Solstice Bonfire

The longest day of the year is about honoring the light and warmth and what better way than to have a bonfire. Watch the sparks mingle with the fading light of the setting sun and feel grateful for all the abundance in your life. Also don’t forget the marshmallows.

July: Boardgames

Every week, once a week, have a group of friends or family over and play traditional (or new) board or card games. Everyone brings their favorite and remember to have plenty of snacks.

August: Stargazing

The lighter nights aren’t probably the best time for it, but it’ll be warmer and there are still places where you can see the sky clearly. Brush up on your constellations and see how many you can spot.


September: Picnic

Most people like their spring and summer picnics, but there’s something magical about laying under the falling leaves bundled in a comfy sweatshirt. Pack some warm beverages to enjoy with your meal.

Pumpkin Carving

October: Pumpkin Carving Party

Get a bunch of carving tools and everyone brings a pumpkin to carve. Easy to do in the backyard so you don’t have to worry about clean up. Then after dark, everyone lights their jack o’lanterns and admires their handiwork. Pairs great with hot apple cider.

November: Bake or Cook Off

Great British Baking Show anyone? Everyone agrees on an item to make, finds their own recipe and ingredients, then get together and bake/cook. Afterward is the taste test to see who’s is the favorite and the winner gets a prize.

December: Light walk

Nothing is quite as magical as walking through a field of lights sipping a hot chocolate or licking an ice cream cone. Find your local walk and pick your company. Hope you found some inspiration for maybe a new tradition and are enjoying these cosy hygge posts. Remember to practice self-care today.


Shopping Local: An Essay on Farmer Markets


To Live like a Hobbit: Embracing Hygge