Look Back on 2022

This year was unexpected. I, this time last year, wouldn’t believe where I am right now. Though, right now I still feel behind, I am miles ahead of where I thought I would be.

I decided early last year to self-publish my novel, Sky Heart, in November 2023. This year, my novel has been beta read, professionally edited, and commissioned its official cover as well as official art of my two main characters. I’ve also been creating my author business and growing my platform via Instagram. It has been a lot of work and I have a lot more work ahead of me, but I am closer than I have ever been to my dream of being a published author.

Sky Heart took up most of my writing time this year, but I did do my fourth Nanowrimo which grew a stand-alone novel, Blood Sails. During that month, I also developed a writing routine which hopefully will mean I be able to write more in the coming years and get more of my ideas on paper.

I read a decent amount this year and a lot of amazing books, none more so than Oak King Holly King by Sebastian Nothwell, which has become my all-time favorite book. I followed the author on Instagram, read his other books (all amazing) and got to beta read the OKHK sequel short stories. Now, Sebastian Nothwell follows me back and likes and comments on my posts. He is a kind and fun human and an amazing author who I really hope to meet in person one day. It would be an actual dream.

A goal this next year is to spend more time with my hobbies, from reading, Bujo-ing, playing on my Switch and gardening, as well as more time with my partner, family and friends. Also focus more on my health, both physical and mental. This year, I did actually finally go to therapy and it helped me a great deal.

Other things that happened this year; Kyle and I got to go back to RenFaire, we celebrated seven years together, and I got three more tattoos. We also adopted our first puppy. Strider is now a year old, wicked smart and such a sweetheart. Our accidental rescue couldn’t be more perfect for us and I look forward to the years we have ahead.

Strider the corgi

Condensing a year into a 600-800 word post is always tricky, but this year, a lot of the memories I’ve written down are just little moments, from a summer storm to a tasty meal. My word of the year was ‘present’ and I tried to focus on that a lot. I’m happy just being, just enjoying the quiet days and simple joys of life. I hope for another year of that and of progress.

Here’s to 2023!

A note: since writing this, Kyle and I are now officially engaged! So something exciting to look forward to in the New Year.


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