25 Things Learned in 25 Years
On my birthday- 25 Things Learned in 25 Years- Little things and truths that I have discovered to help me on my path to the life I want to live
Look Back on 2022
This year was unexpected. I, this time last year, wouldn’t believe where I am right now. Though, right now I still feel behind, I am miles ahead of where I thought I would be. Sky Heart, Tattoos, a corgi, and a special announcement
Look Back on 2021
This was definitely a year… as bad as the last, not to me, but it presented its own challenges so I think I am more tired from 2021 than 2020. But, I also feel more sure about my goals and dreams and more determined to do them.
Looking Back on 2020
So, what a year, right? I think you all know EVERYTHING that happened in these past twelve months so I’m not doing to talk about them here. I am just going to share my memories from it of which I actually had quite a few good ones.
Look back on 2019
Looking back on 2019- first tattoos, writing, a trip, a concert, and a marriage