Look back on 2019

These past few years have felt like great leaps were made with not much time to process. They were about seeking and trying new things. This year felt like it slowed down, letting things become complete so I could move to the next stage. That didn’t mean I didn’t try new things or put myself out there. This past year I dyed the underside of my hair green for St. Patrick’s day, got my first two tattoos, and started practicing yoga. But, this year gave me time to really focus on the things most important to me and complete some big goals.

Let’s start with my writing. I finished editing my first novel, Flame, and gave it to a few trusted people to read and give me feedback so I can tackle it again in the new year. I entered two of the quarters of a writing contest called Writers of the Future and my first entry got honorable mention which means it was the top 2% of all entries. Last, I participated in (and won) National Novel Writing Month (Nanowrimo) which the goal is to write 50,000 in the month of November. It was a crazy year for writing and I look forward to what the next year brings.

Over a year later, I am still a practicing witch and have grown myself and my practice. I built up my altar, connected with my deities, did a 30-day cleansing challenge and connected with like-minded people both at work and attending an art market and spiritual gathering hosted by one of my boyfriend’s family friends. I’ve also got to hang out with my friends a lot this year. We had a few months of a steady game night once a week, a Lord of the Rings (extended edition) movie marathon, a Santa Barbara day trip and hitting the holiday food truck night in Burbank. It has been a blast full of hilarity and good times.

During the summer, my family (plus boyfriend) took a two-week trip up North. From Vancouver to Gig Harbor and Victoria to Squamish, it was quite the adventure. My favorite spots were definitely Dragonspace, Stormcrow tavern and alehouse, the Butchant gardens and hiking in Squamish. My favorite part was getting to share the adventure with the love of my life.

Kyle and I made a lot of other great memories this year. We got married (again) at the Renfaire joust, celebrated 4 years together, went to see Dective Pikachu in theaters wearing kigurumis, went to Bilbo Baggin’s Birthday Bash, saw Dropkick Murphys live (and kissed to our song) and dressed up as Crowley and Aziraphale from Good Omens for Halloween. I’m just so lucky to have such a kind, funny, supportive partner by my side. Each year together keeps getting better and better so I’m really looking forward to what 2020 will bring.

Another year come and gone. I’m really curious to see what amazing things the new one will bring. Happy New Year, everyone!


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Why Treasure Planet is the Best Disney Movie